Friday, June 12, 2020

Devon Berry, Nurse Leader, on Organizational Culture

Nursing leader Devon Berry has served in Executive Dean, Executive Director, Director and Senior Consulting roles in various academic settings over the past 10 years. As an administrator, Dr. Berry is continually considering the impact of culture on the success of an organization and on the satisfaction of the people he serves. It just so happens that he is a member of a family that enjoys making its own kombucha. Between organizational culture and kombucha, nursing leader Devon Berry sees many parallels.

Devon Berry believes that when making kombucha, it is important to have the key ingredients in place. Tea, a source of sugar, and, of course, your scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). Dr. Berry states, “Each one of these elements uniquely contributes to the flavor and fizz of good kombucha.” As an organizational leader and prior executive associate Dean, nurse Devon Berry shares that creating an organizational culture also requires key ingredients. Among these ingredients are organizational structure, mission, and the attitudes and behaviors of the people that make up the organization. Berry says that when these ingredients are put together, they create a unique culture that distinguishes one organization from another.

Leading an academic organization, shares executive nursing leader Devon Berry, is marked by an intentional and process-oriented approach to developing culture. Similar to making a great kombucha, learning the steps and patiently working through them is key. As a nurse and a leader, Devon Berry has learned that rushing through, or skipping over, steps in the culture building process, rarely yields the intended results.

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